C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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170 lines
/* Program to generate a relocation directory in a .CRL */
/* This code is in the public domain */
/* The following program is intended for applications which need to
move code around at runtime in a `C' program. It is called by:
genrel input-crl-file function-name output-crl-file reloc-fn-name
It reads input-crl-file, looking for a function called function-name.
This function may not reference any external functions. If it finds
the function, it copies the relocation information associated with
it on the .CRL file into memory. It then creates a new .CRL file
called output-crl-file. This file will have the single function,
reloc-fn-name, which returns a pointer to the relocation data.
An example of how the resulting function might be used is:
union ptf {
int (*f) ();
char *b;
unsigned *w;
}; /* Define 'pointer-to-function' */
move_fn (to, from, size, reloc)
union ptf to; /* Place in memory to put the new function */
union ptf from; /* Place in memory where function is now */
unsigned size; /* Size of the function in bytes */
union ptf reloc; /* Relocation function built by GENREL */
unsigned diff; /* Difference in the loading origins */
unsigned * reltab; /* Relocation table */
unsigned nrelocs; /* Number of relocation words */
union ptf relptr; /* Pointer to word being relocated */
movmem (from, to, size); /* Move the function */
diff = to - from; /* Find out the relocation offset */
reltab = (*reloc.f) (); /* Get the relocation data */
nrelocs = *reltab++; /* Get the relocation count */
while (nrelocs--) { /* Count relocation entries */
relptr = to.b + *reltab++; /* Get a relocation entry */
*relptr.w += diff; /* Add offset to relocated word */
#include "bdscio.h"
/* Externals for the package */
char crlfile [134]; /* CRL file being read or written via CHARIO */
char crldir [512]; /* Function directory from .CRL file */
union {
unsigned *w;
char *b;
} crlptr; /* Pointer to current byte in crldir */
char fname [9]; /* Current function name */
char * namptr; /* Pointer to current byte of fname */
unsigned * reloctab; /* Relocation table for the new .CRL file */
int nrelocs; /* Number of relocation bytes */
int seekad; /* Seek address in current file */
unsigned ending; /* Length of current file */
unsigned i; /* Working word */
char c; /* Working byte */
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char ** argv;
if (argc != 5) {
printf ("Syntax: genrel infile function outfile relfunct\n");
exit ();
if (copen (crlfile, argv[1], 0) == ERROR) {
printf ("Can't open %s: %s.\n", argv[1], errmsg (errno ()));
exit ();
if (cread (crlfile, crldir, 512) < 512) {
printf ("Can't read CRL directory from %s: %s\n",
argv [1], errmsg (errno ()));
exit ();
crlptr.b = &crldir; /* Initialize scan pointer */
for (;;) {
if (*crlptr.b == 0x80) { /* Didn't find the function */
printf ("Can't locate %s on %s\n", argv[2], argv[1]);
exit ();
namptr = &fname;
while ((*crlptr.b & 0x80) == 0) *namptr++ = *crlptr.b++;
*namptr++ = *crlptr.b++ & 0x7F;
*namptr++ = 0; /* Scan function name */
if (!strcmp (fname, argv[2])) break; /* Found the function */
++crlptr.w; /* No match; skip seek address */
seekad = *crlptr.w; /* Find the function's external dir */
cseek (crlfile, seekad, 0); /* Seek to it */
cread (crlfile, &c, 1); /* Read the first byte of ext dir */
if (c) {
printf ("Function %s on %s has externals and can't be moved\n",
fname, argv [1]);
exit ();
cread (crlfile, &seekad, 2); /* Now read the size of function body*/
cseek (crlfile, seekad, 1); /* Seek around it */
cread (crlfile, &nrelocs, 2); /* Read relocation item count */
if ((reloctab = alloc (2*nrelocs)) == NULL) {
printf ("Can't find enough memory for reloctab.\n");
exit ();
cread (crlfile, reloctab, 2*nrelocs); /* Read relocation data */
cclose (crlfile); /* Done with input file */
if (ccreat (crlfile, argv [3]) == ERROR) {
printf ("Can't create output file %s: %s.", argv[3],
errmsg (errno ()));
exit ();
crlptr.b = &crldir;
i = 0;
namptr = argv [4];
while (*crlptr.b++ = *namptr++) ++i;
crlptr.b [-2] |= 0x80; /* Build output CRL directory */
cwrite (crlfile, crldir, i);
seekad = 0x0205;
cwrite (crlfile, &seekad, 2); i += 2;
cwrite (crlfile, &c, 1); ++i;
ending = seekad + 2*nrelocs + 13;
cwrite (crlfile, &ending, 2); i+=2;
while (i < seekad) {
cwrite (crlfile, &c, 1);
cwrite (crlfile, &c, 1); /* Write external directory terminate*/
seekad = 2*nrelocs+6;
cwrite (crlfile, &seekad, 2); /* Write function body size */
cwrite (crlfile, &c, 1); /* Write $$$LXI H, table */
cwrite (crlfile, &i, 2);
c=0xC9; /* Write $$$RET */
cwrite (crlfile, &c, 1);
cwrite (crlfile, &nrelocs, 2); /* Write item count */
cwrite (crlfile, reloctab, 2*nrelocs); /* Write relocation items */
cwrite (crlfile, &i, 2); /* Write real relocation count of 1 */
cwrite (crlfile, &i, 2); /* Write real relocation item */
cflush (crlfile);
cclose (crlfile);
i = 0;
namptr = argv [4];
while (*crlptr.b++ = *namptr++) ++i;
crlptr.b [-2] |= 0x80; /* Build output